Ohio educators will be banned from discussing the issue within 90 days. LGBTQ+ Identity — Unless it’s to force parents to remove gay students.
Republican Gov. Mike DeWine signs the bill Wednesday. HB8officially known as the so-called “Parental Bill of Rights,” but colloquially known as the “Don’t Call Me Gay” bill because of its similarities to Florida’s 2022 law. DeWine signed the bill behind closed doors, even though he signed another bill in front of news cameras the same day.
HB 8 prohibits educators from discussing “sexual content” in kindergarten through third grade and requires instruction at other levels to be “age-appropriate.” The bill defines “sexual content” as “oral or written instructions, presentations, images, or descriptions of sexual concepts or gender ideologies.” It does not define “sexual concepts”, “gender ideology”, or “appropriate age”.
The bill also requires school officials to notify parents “of any changes in services to a student, including counseling services and monitoring related to the student’s mental, emotional, and physical health and well-being.” The law requires individuals to do so, and specifically cites being transgender as a reason for notification. This policy also includes sexual orientation and there are no exceptions if a student is at risk of abuse.
One third of LGBTQ+ minors who are outed without their consent are more likely to experience depression and have less support from their families, according to one report. study Graduated from the University of Connecticut. Two-thirds said the event caused them significant stress.
HB 8 also creates a content waiver that requires public schools to give parents advance warning of “sexual content” and allow them to request alternative instructions. The system allows parents to pull their children out of school for religious instruction (known as “religious free time”) as long as the instruction is not publicly funded and takes place off school property. known).
Dwayne Steward, executive director of Equality Ohio, the state’s largest LGBTQ+ organization, called the bill’s passage “disgraceful.” statement“HB 8 did nothing to create schools that accepted Ohio’s LGBTQ+ students for who they are, and it did nothing to help teachers create safe learning environments.” It was met with bipartisan opposition in the state Legislature.”
“Governor DeWine signed HB8 amid opposition from educators and the LGBTQ+ community alike, as it punishes teachers and staff for supporting LGBTQ+ students who are already the targets of bullying and harassment. That’s very unfortunate,” Steward said. It’s about fighting for a state of Ohio where every student feels safe in school. ”
Source: Advocate.com – www.advocate.com