Lesbian police officers will receive $750,000 claiming she is exposed to sexual harassment, discrimination and hostile work environments as part of an agreement to settle a lawsuit filed in 2022 .
Constance Claire, who was hired as a police officer in the town of Piscataway, New Jersey in 1996, was repeatedly sexist and homophobic when former police chief Thomas Mossier and other officers refusing to her and other female colleagues. He claimed he made a statement.
In her lawsuit, Claire, promoted to Civil Li in 2019, said she was engaged in patterns and practices of “sexual harassment, discrimination, a hostile work environment, preferential treatment, and not following his own policies.” “It’s.” In 2011, when she was promoted to Sergeant, Mosier was her direct supervisor and it is said that he told her she didn’t want to be promoted.
Crea alleged that the township failed to ensure that the police department’s work environment was “free from sexual directives, sexual discrimination and harassment.”
Creeer also claimed that Mossier and other officials repeatedly made sexist and homophobic statements. However, other officers were also targets of his riss.
For example, Crea claimed that before becoming chief from 2016 to December 2019, Mosier normally grabbed her genitals and moans every day when female employees grabbed her gaze.
In 2016, another lesbian police officer told Crea that Mosier called her a “silly levee.”
Mosier reportedly told Crea every week until his ascension to Chief.

In December 2019, when the township hired a female police officer, Mosier lightly pared her physical appearance and said, “We don’t have to worry about sexual harassment lawsuits with her.” .
From 2016 to June 2020, Mozier is said to have repeatedly told Creer that “you have lesbian money.” It’s a reference to the fact that she and her wife have no children.
During that same period, he asks her on a daily basis. [sic] Mowing the grass? ” A reference to whether Crea had sex with a dominant wife.
Crea said repeated abuse at the hands of Mosier and others caused her excessive stress and embarrassment, creating a hostile work environment. However, she refused to file a subsequent complaint – despite feeling “humiliated, disrespected and offended” every time she was slandered – she filed against Mojie Because previous harassment complaints have led him to “ramp up” her abuse.
Mosier eventually retired in 2022.
As part of the settlement, Crea “irreparablely retired” and agreed not to seek employment in town again.
In exchange for withdrawing the lawsuit, she agrees to accept a payment of $750,000 and receives a letter from the town of Piscataway, stating that she has left the department in good condition.
The settlement dictates that CREA agrees not to voluntarily support legal action or future litigation filed against the department or town. However, she may be honest about what happened to her if summoned by another plaintiff’s lawyer.
According to My central jerseythe CREA lawsuit was one of six complaints filed by department staff against the now-retired police chief. Three of these cases argue racism.

Another lawsuit, which was subsequently dismissed, claimed that the officer was a victim of age and sexism, as it was handed over for promotion by Mosha for a young woman.
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Source: Metro Weekly – www.metroweekly.com