It’s a day when everything changed.
This was our most personal day. I don’t have many photos from it because it’s honestly too personal. The shit has become real.
The thing is, the Orange Brothers are truly amazing guys. He is a great father and a great son. He spent a few rough years. I found out that both his parents died in 2012. He returned to his hometown to take care of them. On top of that, his investment in fishing boats has become worse. After the flood, the government forced him to take his boat out of the water. Things have been very silly these days.
Today, the press was finally leaving us alone and giving us some space. We finally felt like we had to do what Bro wanted to do. He wanted to show me his life, and that’s what we were doing.
He made me a super personal part of his life. I went to his childhood climbing trees, local temples, and his parents’ house. We were able to pay tribute to his ancestors. I have a moment when I ask me how he respects my ancestors. There is no answer. Americans really don’t. It gets messed up and makes me feel sick. Cultural differences, man!
People in China don’t just open themselves up like this. I’m his family now. We are brothers.
Source: BuzzFeed – LGBTQ –