when: January 11, 2025 – July 26, 2026
what: The Moon Nodes transit Pisces and Virgo
remove: The lunar nodes (aka the points at which solar eclipses occur) are changing signs. The North Node enters Pisces, intensifying your desire to dream, imagine, and fantasize. And the South Node enters Virgo, prompting you to overhaul your relationship with perfectionism. Brace yourself — we’ll be learning a whole new set of eclipse lessons over the next 18 months.
Moon nodes are changing signs
above January 11ththe moon’s greedy North Node enters limitless Pisces, and its cathartic South Node enters methodical Virgo. This transition begins an 18-month period in which discernment is key. The ability to distinguish between delusional behavior and productive idealism is essential to steering your life in the direction you want.
As the Moon’s nodes change signs, a new set of lessons begins in these areas. No matter where Pisces and Virgo are placed in your birth chart, these two houses will be your place of learning and growth over the next year and a half. The part of the chart containing Pisces becomes a hotspot of hunger and increase, and the part containing Virgo becomes a place of shedding and purification. On a collective level, the North Node in Pisces activates our imagination, compassion, and escapist tendencies, while the South Node in Virgo activates hypercritical or overanalytical patterns in ourselves and in our relationships. It will help you throw it away.
What are the lunar nodes?
Moon nodes are not planets. These are astronomical points in space that are calculated based on the positions of the Sun, Moon, and Earth. These points are important because a solar eclipse occurs whenever there is a new or full moon near the North Node or South Node.
In many cultures, the Luna Node has been described as the insatiable dragon half that devours the light of our luminaries. The North Node represents the hungry head of the Dragon, and wherever it appears in your birth chart or current sky, it evokes feelings of appetite, urgency, and ambition. The South Node is the swinging tail of the dragon. It represents surrender and letting go, and begins a cathartic release wherever you fall.
Moon nodes generally move in a retrograde direction. This means that the Moon’s nodes move retrograde through the zodiac. This is a natural movement of the Moon’s nodes, so the retreat of the Moon’s nodes does not have the same turbulent effects as a planet in retrograde. Lunar nodes are wobbling in nature. Although they appear to be confidently looping backwards through the zodiac, they actually tend to quiver back and forth like celestial Jell-O. Then, on January 11th, it will wiggle its way back from Aries and Libra to Pisces and Virgo.
Nodes are transitioning from cardinal signs to mutable signs
This change in the signs from Aries and Libra to Pisces and Virgo is also a change in the modality of the lunar nodes. There are three symbol styles: basic symbols, fixed symbols, and variable symbols. Aries and Libra are both important signs that start a new season. Changeable zodiac signs are more adaptable, freeing up one season to prepare for the next.
The need for flexibility is emphasized as the nodes shift into the mutable signs of Pisces and Virgo. You can make the most of this period by staying open to new information and being able to pivot when necessary. We can soften our emotional, creative, and spiritual boundaries and let in new waves of fantasy, inspiration, and intuitive impressions. At the same time, you will be encouraged to abandon outdated health practices and debilitating habits, such as over-planning, over-thinking, and always chasing the impossible dream of “doing it right.”
The Moon’s nodes occupy opposite ends of the zodiac, meaning there is an inherent tension between these two signs. Maintaining balance is important for proper node operation. Resist the urge to be cautious and rescue all the unlucky strays. But don’t sweat the small stuff either. By carving a middle path between the instincts of the heart and the logic of the head, the path is opened for the loftiest aspirations to burst into reality.
Arrival: A new series of solar eclipses
The Moon’s nodes are where eclipses occur, so most of the eclipses over the next 18 months will occur in Pisces and Virgo. At this time, Sol and Luna’s light appears to temporarily disappear. The ancients, who relied heavily on the illuminator’s light, understood solar eclipses to be ominous events because of the chaos they caused in the sky. Although we are no longer as dependent on the sun and moon as civilizations of the past, solar eclipses still tend to be times of increased volatility. Eclipses cause plot twists, energy surges, and instability. It can be difficult to stay focused during intense eclipse season, but bringing extra thoughtfulness to your decisions can help you get through this period more smoothly.
Sol and Luna do not need to be in the exact position of the moon’s nodes to initiate a lunar or solar eclipse. It is sufficient to be close enough that the light is partially blocked. That’s why on September 17, 2024, when the North Node was still in Aries but relatively close to the Full Moon in Pisces, one Pisces eclipse had already occurred. Think back to any revelations or notable events that occurred during this time, especially those related to your creativity, spirituality, and escapist tendencies. Issues that became active for you on or around this day suggest what this new eclipse period will teach you.
These are all dates for this series of Pisces and Virgo eclipses.
- September 17, 2024, 7:34pm PT: Lunar eclipse near the North Node in Pisces
- March 13, 2025, 11:54 pm (Pacific Time): Lunar eclipse near the South Node in Virgo
- September 7, 2025, 11:08 a.m. Pacific Time: Lunar eclipse occurs near the North Node in Pisces.
- September 21, 2025, 12:54 pm (Pacific Time): Solar eclipse near the South Node in Virgo
- March 3, 2026, 3:34 a.m. (Pacific Time): Lunar eclipse near the South Node in Virgo
- August 27, 2026, 9:14 PM PT: A lunar eclipse occurred near the North Node in Pisces.
- February 20, 2027, 3:14 PM PT: A lunar eclipse occurred near the South Node in Virgo.
Is this a nodal return?
Is your natal North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo? Are you around 18, 36, 54, or 72? If so, we welcome you back to Node.
This is a pivotal moment for growth, as the lunar nodes complete their 18-year zodiac cycle and return to their placement on your birth chart. If you are now entering the Nodal Return, you are on the path to finding more balance between your sensitivity and insight. This is the time to get clear on which dreams you most want to pursue and which trivial tendencies you need to reset.
To find out where the Moon node is in your birth chart, chani appor use online tools to view charts. For more information about Node Returns, along with other astrological milestones, astrological timeline of your life.
6 ways to utilize the North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo
- discover What does your desire tell you? Instead of giving in to every desire flowing through you at a particular moment, investigate its roots. It’s natural to want to interact with something bigger than yourself, but how you do it matters. Journaling, therapy, and meditation are all tools that can help you understand the origins of your longings.
- Please be careful Over the next 18 months, you’ll see that your boundary-setting and receptiveness are out of balance. What do we need to release, rethink, and redefine in order to keep our energy and integrity intact? The same tools like journaling, therapy, and meditation can be used both from ourselves and from others. It will help you identify what you need.
- Slow down. fill it at your own pace calendar. The nodes will be in Pisces and Virgo for 18 months, so you’ll have plenty of time to reevaluate your creativity, spirituality, counterproductive tendencies, outdated health habits, and critical inner narratives. Eclipse season can feel like a pressure cooker, but you can overcome the intensity by focusing on what’s right in front of you in the here and now. Please take a deep breath. Count to 10 (or 12). Be suspicious of the urge to rush. In many cases, that urgency is avoidable or unrealistic.
- listen to This week’s astrology podcast The week of January 6, 2025, and your reading in the “This Week” section. chani app. There you’ll also find journal prompts and other resources to help you work through the lessons that the North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo bring.
- learn To see how your Moon’s nodes influence your birth position, chani app. You can also read the Pisces North Node and Virgo South Node Current Sky horoscopes for free to find out how your rising sign will be affected during this period.
Looking for more information? Read your daily horoscope:
Aries | Taurus | gemini | cancer | leo | Virgo | Libra
Scorpio | sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
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Source: Horoscopes Archives – Chani Nicholas – chaninicholas.com