Astrological Ruler of the Guillotine
guillotine Controlled MarsCo-owner of the Guillotine PlutoFurther research is needed on some types of guillotines.
What is a Guillotine?
guillotineThe origins of the guillotine date back to the Middle Ages. The guillotine was used during the French Revolution in the 1790s, when the device became infamous for its use in mass executions. The concept of a more humane method of execution was developed by Dr. Joseph Ignace Guillotine, who advocated for the use of machines that would perform more reliable and less painful executions in line with the Enlightenment ideals of human rights. The guillotine was officially introduced in France in 1792 as an instrument of execution by decapitation. During the French Revolution, the guillotine became synonymous with the Reign of Terror and a horrifying symbol of a brutal era of mass executions. Thousands of people were executed by guillotine, including King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, highlighting the widespread and indiscriminate use of the guillotine as an instrument of state-sanctioned violence. Although the guillotine was originally created to promote a more humane method of execution, it eventually became a reminder of the violence and mayhem of the French Revolution and became entrenched in history as a symbol of justice and terror. I love my head!
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