genius astrology ruler

genius is controlled by Uranus. The co-ruler of genius is Neptuneand Pluto. Further research is needed on different types of genius.

What is genius?

genius: The nature of genius is very personal and individual, but it has a powerful and undeniable influence that resonates with both laymen and experts. Darwin’s Theory is a must-read for biologists. These concepts continue to inspire new research and experiments around the world. Similarly, among physicists, Einstein’s theories remain an endless source of thought-provoking insights. Today, Shakespeare’s plays and Beethoven’s works still attract audiences from a variety of linguistic backgrounds who are deeply moved by these artistic masterpieces originally created in England and Austria. Modern “geniuses” may come and go, but the concept of genius will never relinquish its grip on us. The term genius refers to the characteristics that elevate a work of art beyond being a trendy, fashionable, or historical artifact. Moreover, a genius is somehow able to erase all traces of the time and place in which it existed. Love my genius!


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