On Sunday, September 15th, Venus in Libra will be trine Jupiter in Gemini. This is one of the best aspects possible in astrology, a trine aspect between two benefic planets.
Venus is in great form, in Libra, its technical ruler.
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This means that all things Venus related – things related to fun and pleasure, relationships and generally interacting with other people – will be greatly promoted and improved. This also reinforces things like equality, fairness and justice for women and Libra, especially those related to fairness and topics that directly affect women.
A trine between Venus and Jupiter indicates hope and emphasizes upbeat emotions such as happiness, joy, and satisfaction.
Supportive trine aspects indicate alliances and agreements, and help you enjoy the good life with uplifting people.
A Venus-Jupiter trine across two air signs could bode well for communication and connections, as well as for arts, creative or cultural events.
This golden aspect of the Venus-Jupiter trine will peak on Sunday, but its beneficial influences will be felt on Saturday and Saturday night. You may have noticed these themes in the week leading up to the 15th. This is definitely an aspect of improvement and peacemaking, finding harmony and resolving disagreements.
Let me know in the comments below what you have planned for your mid-September weekend, and I’d love to hear how this sweet and loving Venus-Jupiter trine aspect is manifesting for you!
Source: Kelly Surtees Astrology – www.kellysastrology.com