Uranus goes straight and joins the star Algol
Today, January 19, 2025, Uranus is retrograde at 23 degrees 19 degrees Taurus, preparing to go direct on January 31, 2025. Uranus reaches 25 degrees 0 and will move until April when it begins its conjunction with the star Algol.
of fixed star algolAlso known as Demon, it is a star located in the constellation Perseus. This conjunction can be positive or negative depending on your chart and your evolution in response to the energies of the fixed stars. The planets will be in conjunction, square, or opposition from 25° Taurus to 27° Taurus, riding the waves of your life from April 5, 2025 to June 1, 2025. What happens if we don’t learn the lessons of financial stability? Probably now. Stop spending money on useless junk. Or, if your business is based on multimedia (fantasy world), you may suffer a loss of economic income, such as the banning of Tikki Tok, which was your source of economic income. There will be investigations into so-called businesses on Ticki Tok and other multimedia platforms due to their association with illegal activities.
If you’re a Scorpio “control freak,” I wish you the best of luck. Because all hell awaits you until you learn to let go and follow the guidance of the universe. The main energies appear in the fixed signs of Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Taurus. This is because it is a grand cross in astrology. The Fixed Grand Cross is one of the “power engines” in astrology. If you have planets between 25° and 27° of these signs, beware of control issues. Things will go more smoothly if you deal with your emotions in a detached manner. Never attach your emotions to money or security. As Pluto in Aquarius says to your Fixed Sign, “Learn to step away.” This is especially true for “astrologers” because Pluto is in Aquarius. Emotions do not belong in readings. If you don’t, you’ll be making a big mistake with your client. Detach, detach, and detach is the astrologer’s mantra. The lesson Algol gave you is that no matter what happens in your life, you will face challenges again and again.
At the national level, we expect to see major changes in the banking industry, such as capping interest rates. Digital currencies have a long way to go, as many individuals still use cash as their main source of funds. There’s a lot of talk about digital currencies, but people don’t like the idea of being controlled or having their assets frozen by banks. In the case of cash, assets cannot be frozen, only a portion of them can be frozen. The banks don’t like it, but they’ll have to suffer until the universe wants it. Bitcoin’s lack of stability can seriously hurt transactions. Gamblers Anonymous is recruiting new Bitcoin members. Taurus wants stability, and Uranus intends to give it that as the final crossover between Uranus and Algol.
The sad events that happened in Los Angeles will be even sadder if people find out that California’s mismanagement means that insurance companies can’t make money. DEI has done a great job of showing the American public how harmful DEI really is to people who are incompetent and unqualified to do the job. Most people won’t be able to rebuild because the county will finally realize that wooden homes are flammable and change building codes to require earthquake- and fire-resistant homes. Most homes will require an update to the 2025 Building Code, which does not apply to older homes, before a building permit can be issued. Banks will suffer severe financial losses as people are unable to pay their mortgages and foreclosures occur at high levels.
I hear people say that you will evolve into a new state of consciousness, and my answer to that kind of thinking is “BS.” Taurus is a stable and conservative sign, which makes it a new consciousness. What is called “old school” thinking is a “new wave” in consciousness. Algol is the act of learning to let go of what people think about you and what they think about yourself and your self-image. This is what happens to us poor humans. If you are a yogi, maybe you can ascend to the sky. That’s right, after the plane is attacked by a flock of birds and crashes with Yogi on board, Yogi realizes that they are just like us humans. This is not important to Buddhists, it is simply an Algol reality.
algol In modern terms, Medusa’s head was cut off by Perseus, which means that we begin to value courage, honor, and the pursuit of true knowledge. This will become part of our new identity as a nation. Over the past 20 years, a new identity will emerge from the ashes of past failures. Half-hearted politics will become normal again. Extremists beware, Algol is about to decapitate you for Perseus’ actions.
Tragedy strikes every person on earth. For Algol, how you respond is key to finding a new purpose in life.
The universe is in charge, not you!
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Source: Lunar Returns – lunar-returns.com