Turning to Spirituality: A Message of Gratitude in 2024
Traveling and vacations give us a break from the daily grind and make us think about the true meaning of life and why we are here. I was rereading Emmanuel’s Book: Choosing Love. We’re all here because when I got home, the puppies gave me loud meows and were so committed to the dharma of giving unconditional love.
Saturn moves us into the present moment. I like yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, and exercise, and when I do these practices, I try to focus on my body and the practice, and not regret the past or think about what I’ll do when I’m done practicing. It takes a little discipline and focus. . Saturn wants to move us into the present moment when suffering or illness slows us down and make us smell the roses after going too far in the rat race of running around like rabbits. .
Fear and love are mutually exclusive; you cannot have both at the same time. There are many ways fear can take over our lives. The world will explode in a nuclear war. Climate change is going to destroy the world. If Iran and China don’t do that, Russia will blow us up. These are all real threats, but somehow humanity is finding ways to overcome these challenges. In contrast, when we spend time with small animals and small children, we can regain the innocence of true love and escape from the fear in our hearts. The true journey to enlightenment is from the head to the heart, but going down those 8 to 12 inches requires conscious choices.
The mind cannot have emotions on an abstract level, so it becomes attached to something in the environment. Most of what we fear is a mental illusion. Eckhart Tolle reminds us that 99% of our thoughts are garbage. So why do we get so caught up in our thoughts? My mantra for Saturn is to recognize the mental noise in your mind and say, “I don’t care.Turn, you can go now.. You don’t need that fear. We have the power to do more than just accept the garbage that passes through our heads, and if we are conscious and spiritual people, our destiny is to command the planet.
Most of the things we fear never happen, and that 1% element of surprise knocks us out of the park. Fear is a survival mechanism to protect us from danger. If you put your hand in a fire at a young age, you’ll learn not to do it again, but you’ll probably be overly afraid of fire for the rest of your life. Remember that most of the things we fear don’t happen and ignore it.
Because we feel fear, we stop feeling emotions and fall into addictive patterns like binge-watching Netflix, overeating, and more serious problems in some parts of society. To get rid of fear, I had to let go of the emotion from my heart. But when we remain centered, the power of love evaporates fear and we perceive it as just an illusion. Choosing love must be a conscious choice.
This is a great quote from Pat Rodegast’s book.
What does the voice of fear whisper to you?
Fear speaks to you with logic and reason. It assumes the language of love itself.
Fear tells you, “I want to keep you safe.” Love says, “You are safe.”
Fear says, “Give me a symbol.” Give me a frozen image. Give me something reliable.
Loving truth says, “Give me just this moment…Love says, open your arms and fly with me.”
Every moment of your life gives you the opportunity to choose whether to love or fear, to step on the earth or soar to the heavens.
Choose love. Do more meditation yoga and breathing exercises to change your energy. Yoga chair pose, like mountain pose, grounds us to the earth chakra and makes us feel our feet gripping the earth, which creates an additional sense of security in our lives. Use fear as a wake-up call to manage your finances, get fit, and take control of your health. Look into the magician’s “sleeve of terror” and expose his deception. You are infinitely safe in this universe. (If you want to combine astrology with hatha yoga and chakra analysis, check out our workshops at https://www.appliedvedicastrology.com/products-2/yoga/.)
Source: ASTRO BLOG Archives – Applied Vedic Astrology – www.appliedvedicastrology.com