Eyes to Astrology: Pisces Sun March 14th April 13th
The sun moved to Pisces on March 14thth. Pisces is the natural 12th sign of the constellations associated with moksha and enlightenment, and its Shakti brings the blessings of Saraswati, the goddess of wisdom, which brings to self-knowledge. Placed here anywhere on the chart, the planets show great talent and knowledge. However, as it is a natural 12th house, it requires service and dedication to sacrifice to bring out its power. It is also associated with loss, as we often have to let go of the material world in order to be drawn to the spiritual realm of being. Pisces Rising has difficulty with the Sun, and as it is the natural sixth house from Pisces, the problems of fathers and authority and bosses become natural.
This month, the Sun will join Mercury and Lahoo. Mercury is turning retrograde today and is retrograde, so it is not affected by combustion, but it moves backwards until early April. .
The biggest problem with the Sun this month is the bond with the Raff, where the radius of the Sun is three degrees between March 15th and 21st, which could lead to a bulging ego in part, and then the highly constricted ego with the planet is one degree apart. The solar eclipse is March 29th and does not affect mercury.
The sun is happy in Pisces, but eight homes from Leo’s house, and those born with its rising signs are still experiencing deep spiritual transformations. The sun will move to the constellations of Uttarabadapada (Pisces 3.20-16.40) from March 18th to March 31st. There, guiding Saturn’s energy Saturn is a good time for the constellations to promote spiritual development and retreat in meditation.
The sun will move from March 31st to April 14th (Pisces 16.40-29.59)th The famous Pisces fish represents a fish swimming along the sea path. It leads to the path to life and liberation, but it leads to a universal mind, which reminds us of the true meaning of the victory over a greater mind, Jai Guru Dev. Only by letting go of our little ego and surrendering to God’s will we endure the chance to transcend the changing world.
The constellation God is Pushan, who lights the path to God and is connected to the sun, which leads to travel, whether it is a spiritual journey or a spiritual pilgrimage. Both are the same. As a character from Saul Bellow Rainking Henderson “Every trip is a spiritual trip.” Therefore, our outer quest is part of our inner quest to return to God.
Revati is ruled by the planetary mercury and contains all the divine wisdom that exists in the universe, allowing us to understand the possibilities of the entire creation. Therefore, getting a spring transit through Revati will need to get a great time of deep awakening of spiritual knowledge and spiritual journeys at this peak of energy, perhaps felt on Sunday.th31st April 7thth .
This is the final part of the journey of the sun, preparing to move to the signs of elevation in Aries from April 13th to May 14th, and shining in its sacred glory. Hopefully, it will ultimately bring out some good leadership that all of our world leaders need.
Thank you to all my spiritual teachers and Jyotish teachers.
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Source: ASTRO BLOG Archives – Applied Vedic Astrology – www.appliedvedicastrology.com