Algolab is a notorious dark star in the constellation Corvus. Algorab has a reputation for being ferocious, but is this notoriety justified? In this article, we explore the mythology behind it, what other astrologers have said about it, and consider how many people are born under its influence. Here are some examples of people’s energy.
According to mythology, the sun god Apollo sent a crow with a cup (the constellation Crater) to draw water for a feast. On the way, the crow got distracted by a nice fig on a tree, lost track of time, and ended up eating it. When the crow suddenly remembered his business, he picked up a passing snake (Hydra) and used it as an excuse for not filling the cup as asked.
According to another myth, “Raven is given the task by Apollo to watch over Apollo’s pregnant lover Coronis. Raven reports to Apollo the unwelcome news that she is having an affair with someone else. Apollo became angry and cursed the crow, and its color changed from its previous silver color to its current black color. Corvus
Learn more about constellations. “Corvus is like Mars and Saturn. Gives cunning, greed, ingenuity, perseverance, revenge, passion, selfishness, lying, aggression, material instincts, sometimes inciting the natives. It is said that it will make someone [1.] I would like to add to this that journalists and paparazzi are great gossipers. They sometimes prey on the misfortune of others.
Stars of Corvus
Libra 10 degrees 44 minutes ~ Guina Left wing of Corvus the Crow. 2.8*
Libra 11 degrees 40 minutes ~ Mincal It’s on the crow’s neck. 3.2
Libra 12 degrees 15 minutes ~ Archita In the beak of a crow. 4.2
Libra 13 degrees 27 minutes ~ algolab It’s on the right side of the crow. 3.1
Libra 17 degrees 22 minutes ~ Kuraz It’s in the crow’s right claw. 2.8
*Star position for 2000.
** Dates are approximate, as precession changes position as we age.
The lunar mansion Hasta contains all the stars of the constellation Corvus. Hasta means hand and laughter. The sound of a crow seems similar to the cries of an evil old woman. The moon here either produces mad geniuses or brings out the lowest vibrations in the crow. According to Robson, the moon of Algolab: “You will be active, resourceful, shameless, ruthless, a thief and a drunkard by nature.” [2.] Although I’m sure this position could be used in an evolved form, perhaps as an exorcist.
Agrippa of Corvus.
“It makes people courageous, bold, courageous, thoughtful, backbiting, and has naughty dreams. (?!) It also gives people the power to drive out and collect evil spirits. Beneficial against the malice of.” [5]
In magic, crows are used to ward off evil spirits. The wings have a dual role. One is a shadow of the other, and the problem is that you can never tell which is “good” and which is “evil.” I like to say, fight fire with fire. It takes a good crow to defeat a bad crow.
algolab Behenian star?
Although not the brightest, Algorab is the most notorious star in the constellation Corvus.. There is also some mystery and confusion between Corvus’ two main stars, Giena (left wing, Gamma Corvus) and Algorab (right wing, Delta Corvus).
Star maps from the 15th century place Guina on the right, not the left. This is important because only one of these stars is classified as a star. behenian starhas magical properties and is used in medieval magic. My name is on the wiki Guina Agrippa’s 1531 edition of 23 degrees 13 degrees Libra, which is the actual current position of Algolab. However, Christopher Warnock has Zienna’s position at 10 degrees 44 seconds.Wings of Corvus Rising” Talisman.
medieval magic
The star Algolab has a terrible reputation, but is it really Algolab? At some point, their names changed. According to Robson, AlgolabIt is associated with destructiveness, malice, ferocity, disgust, lying, and scavenging. ”
Further interpretation of Algorab: “The stars Mars and Saturn can show the more troubling side of Libra, a variation on the truth when it feels safer to make excuses.” [3] And finally from the Evertines “Delays and restraint have been shown to be caused by blunders, losses, mishandling of problems, and general hostility. Accidents and injuries are difficult to avoid.” [4]
In medieval magic, algorab is used “by placing burdock seeds, leaves, roots, frog tongues, etc. to make humans angry, hateful, bold, speak ill, cause evil dreams, “I cast out devils and protect them.” Those who fight against devils and evil winds. ”
Is Algorab magic or evil?
Is one planet evil and the other magical? This confusion only adds to the instability of Crow’s overall reputation. The fact that “fiendishness” is associated with magic reflects ancient fears of prophetic abilities. However, we should not simply dismiss this as an exaggerated fear of witchcraft by strict Christians.
morrigan Featured image by Marina Marchionne heaven and sacred On Etsy.
algolab summary
Looking at the evidence, there appears to be no notable difference between Giena and Algorab in the way they are supposed to. ‘Malice’. Both Annie Besant and Helena Blavatsky had satellites in Giena. This allows this star to Behenian Both women are known as the Magic Stars because they were leaders of the Theosophical Society.
I imagine that at the time (late 19th century) these women were branded as “witches” by mainstream Christian society. Rosenberg brings up “witch hunts” and even religious zealots in Giena’s interpretation. In general, all the stars in the constellation Corvus have a witch-like vibe, especially when they overlap with the moon.
1 & 2. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923. p.41 & p.80.
3. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, p.175.
4. The Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Evertin, 1928, 60 pages.
5. Agrippa. Three Books of Occult Philosophy Bk. II, Chapter 47, (ed. Tyson) p. 395.
6. Secrets of the ancient skies. Diana K. Rosenberg. p.65/66
7. Ancient sky secrets. Diana K. Rosenberg. p.79/80
Source: Darkstar Astrology –