Ceres will enter Aries in May 2025
Ceres is a dwarf planet, smaller than Pluto, but has a core and mantle. It is approximately 585 miles in diameter. Ceres has a gravity field of 0.284 m/s2, making it a real repeater of fixed star light frequency energy.
Compared to the Earth’s moon, it is lower. The Earth’s moon is a 1.62 m/s2 gravity field. Because it is far from space, its impact is minimal due to its distance to Earth and its ability to transmit fixed starlight frequency energy. Part of this problem is due to the inconsistent magnetic fields on the surface. Water is one of the reasons why it becomes a repeater of fixed star light energy, proven by Snell’s refraction law. Ceres itself does not affect the Earth, but is a repeater of fixed star light energy that appears on Earth in tropical astrology. This light energy manifests itself in the movement (orbit) around the universe, depending on the angle (sign) of the symptoms or the refraction of light from a fixed star.
What can you expect from Ceres Aries?
Ceres of fire signs is the beginning of hunger caused by weather patterns and other socioeconomic issues, such as the wars of Ukraine, Africa and Mexico. The only solution is to see the ceres of Libra energy. There is no cooperation, you starve the times. This requires true leadership, not weak-minded people, takers, or complainers. This is not caused by global warming, but rather changes in weather patterns due to changes in the Earth’s magnetic field. These changes in magnetic fields travel through the signs of Aries and are reinforced by Ceres in Aries as they hit each fixed star in Aries. This will not stop until March 2026 when Ceres enters Taurus as the universe intervenes and fixes for us again. Jupiter entering cancer helps minimize this hunger. The world is looking for leadership from the US, as the United States is a cancer country. So, your people who need to lose weight are the time of the year. It will be added to this prediction later.
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Source: Lunar Returns – lunar-returns.com