Donald Trump’s correct birth time

Most astrologers were wrong in predicting that Donald Trump would lose the November 5, 2024 election. Their mistake was that the time of birth was wrong. The correct time is 9:51 a.m. EDT, not 10:54 a.m. EDT. I discovered this discrepancy when I visited Christine Ahrens’ Facebook page. Her article featured a Kepler University article showing exact time documents from Trump’s mother provided by Bill Meridian, Alfie Lavoie, and Lynn Palmer. These people are some of the greats of astrology before 2000. This cubic moon chart shows that Trump could not have lost and that his popularity was at an all-time high. A month closer to MC, he couldn’t lose.

My own method for predicting a Trump win came from looking at the cubic chart of Harris’ losses. With Harris’ popularity at an all-time low, it was easy to predict that she would lose the election. (Note: Always follow the Saturn period prediction when looking at the tertiary chart.)

Harris' defeatHarris' defeat

Cubic charts are one of those forecasting methods that has been forgotten since 2000 when all the additions became popular. Sorry to all you astrologers out there, but most of it is garbage and a waste of your time. Saturn in Pisces says it makes astrology simple again.

I would like to thank Christine Arens for friending me on Facebook. Thanks to that, I was able to discover more reasons why Donald Trump won the election from this article. Kepler University Website.

This is one way to prove whether your astrology chart is correct or not. There are many others, but I like the simplicity. First, let’s take a look at the current transit chart. As you can see from the election results, this method works better than others. If you have more time, please contact us at

“The universe knows all the answers”

Chart source: Air Software by Alphee Lavoie