Article written by: Vinayak Bhatt
Astrological analysis of the current chart
1. Planetary alignment:
moon in capricorn: Reflects grounded emotion and pragmatism in decision-making and prefers gold as a safe asset.
Saturn in Aquarius: Shows stability in long-term investments like gold.
Rahu in Pisces: Brings speculative interest in the commodity and may temporarily increase prices.
2. Dasas and Transits:
Mars/Saturn period: Valid until mid-2025, highlighting volatility and sudden price changes. Saturn in Aquarius supports long-term bullish trends, while Mars (retrograde) in Cancer warns of occasional pullbacks.
Capricorn Lagna (Practical): Suggests that gold is perceived as a reliable investment amid global uncertainties.
3. Nakshatra analysis:
Dhanishta Nakshatra (Moon): Associated with wealth and material growth. Gold prices could benefit from increased demand during this period.
Venus in Aquarius: Represents innovation and alternative investments, but also supports gold as a hedge against inflation.
4. Yoga:
Kongo Yoga: Symbolizes strength and resilience. Gold’s upward momentum aligns with this energy, offering potential gains.
Comprehensive insights
Short-term trading opportunities:
If it breaks above USD 2,652, the target could be around USD 2,670-2,700.
Set a protective stop loss at 2,633 USD to reduce risk from retracement.
Long term investment:
Favorable planetary placement supports continued bullishness for gold as a hedge against inflation and geopolitical uncertainty.
recommendation: Adjust the technical level of timing entry to the lunar cycle. For example, trade for bullish trends during the waning moon, and look for corrections during the waning moon.
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Source: Saptarishis Astrology –