we, Bauhaus SchoolEstablished by German architects Valter Gropius In 1919, he won awards for many modern designs and architecture in the 20th and 21st century. Schools with artists such as Paul Clay, Wasily Candinsky, Raslo Mohori -Naji, Ludwig Mies Van Van Dell Lohe, etc. are the expressionism and dada, and of course modernism by Bauhaus. It means that it is closely related to the industrial design of. The construction of glass and steel frames we associate with, such as Frank Lloyd Wright and Charles & Ray Eames.
We tend to avoid linking Bauhaus to dance art, but it is probably because of the establishment of a school that brings the vibrant art and crafts into the era of modern industrial production. Yes. Perhaps one of the oldest performing arts, how to respond to the demand may have been confused by many artists.
But not so Oscar Schlemmer。 As many as school avant -garde teachers at school, the grooming Schlemmer was also a painter, sculptor, designer, choreographer, and was hired in 1923 as a master’s degree in the Bauhaus Theater Workshop.

Before taking over the role, Schlemmer had already designed, designed, and performed his most famous work. Dustria Dissiche Ballet (Triad ballet). “Schlemmer’s main theme” Debra McCall, a scholar and choreographer“It’s always abstract and concrete, and all of his work is about the harmony of the polarity that he calls Apolonian and Dionusus. [He]Like other people, I felt that mechanization and abstraction were two major themes of the day. But he didn’t want to degrade the dancer to an automatic doll. These concerns were shared by many modernists who felt that human peculiarity could be easily incorporated into the fascinating order of machines.

Schlemmer’s intention Triad Ballet Translate Explanation Dangerous MindAmberfrost– To the “Set” [that] It emphasizes a minimum, perspective and beautiful lines. The choreography is bulky, geometric costumes, in a stuffy, intentional, incredible mechanical and unbelievable movement. MathematicalIt contains unusual tips for fluid dance. The whole is boldly strange and strangely fascinating. You can see the black -and -white still image of the original work in 1922 (you can see more images on the next site) Dangerous Mind)。 To see the movements of a person in these strange costumes, see a video that reproduces the 1970 reproduction in the upper part in a vivid color.

For various reasons Triad Ballet Although it has a great impact on futuristic dance and costumes, it is rarely replayed. Triad Ballet Jack Anderson wrote that this is a pioneering example of multimedia drama. Review of 1985 New York workAnderson wrote that Schlemmer said, “I looked at the choreography because of the interest in the relationship between people in space.” Considering that the basic principle of the work is geometric, there is not much movement reminiscent of traditional dance. Instead, ballet looks like a pantomime or puppet show, and people in awkward costumes trace the various forms around the stage and each other.

As you can see in the image above, Schlemmer I left some notes Regarding the choreography, he sketched the group and costumes for each of the three movements. (The Bauhaus Archive Museum allows you to expand your upper sketches and see in detail.) Anderson wrote the following works that were back in 1985: Based on research and intuition. It is not difficult to restore the basic outline. Inspired by Arnolt Schoenberg Clown RenneaSchlemmer began to see ballet and pantomime as free from traditional theater and opera loads. Schlemmer, referring to the style of pantomime, puppet play, and comedy dearde, further abstracts human forms with individual shapes such as cylindrical necks and spherical heads, creating what he calls “figure”. I did. In a sense, costumes have almost determined the doll -like movements of dancers. (The following three costumes reproduced this work in 1970).

The extreme production of Schlemmer did not reach the evaluation level of other avant -garde ballet at the time, including Shaneberg’s work. Clown Rennea Stravinsky, Nijinski choreography Spring festival。 Triad BalletAlong with the music composed by Paul Hindemit, performed a tour on representative of the Bauhaus sect between 1922 and 1929, but at the end of the period, Schlemmer leaves “more and more unstable Germany”. Frost wrote that he was forced. The replay of this work, such as the exhibition in Paris in 1930, tended to focus on “people” rather than dance. In the 20s, Schlemmer produced a number of similar performance works (such as “Machinery Character Valley”) combining industrial design, dance, and gestures. But, probably his greatest heritage is a strange costume that was worn and imitated at various Bauhaus costume parties and directly inspired Fritzlang’s appearance. Big city And the brilliant excess of David Bowie’s Jiggy Stardust Stage Show.

Note: The previous version of this post was published on our site in 2016.
Related content:
Bauhaus Women: See the avant -garde photos with the hips of female students and instructors at famous art schools
More than 32,000 Bauhaus artworks are available online from the Harvard University website
Watch the Bauhaus World, a free documentary celebrating the 100th anniversary of German art, architecture, and design schools
Bauhaus Ballet: Geometric Dance
Josh Jones He is a writer and musician based in Dalam, North Carolina. Please follow him @jdmagness
Source: Open Culture – www.openculture.com