July 20, 2019
Dana Gioia is one of the biggest Catholic poets working today. In this interview, he discusses how Catholic attitudes towards art have changed in recent generations, and how the revival of interest in poetry across cultures has changed. Dana reads some of his poems, discusses how Catholics have made his poems “simpler, more emotionally direct, more embarrassing music,” and even gives the poet some hints about collaborating with musicians and composers. Dana and Thomas conclude by discussing the role of critics and highlighting the contemporary Catholic poet Dana.
Today’s Catholic Writers and Other Essays https://www.wisebloodbooks.com/store/c4/wiseblood_essays_.html
99 poems, new and selected https://www.graywolfpress.org/books/99-poems
Dana Gioia’s website www.danagioia.com
Dana reads poems on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/uc6duurpo6hxxn69lmlrwyw
Jazz pianists Helen Son and Dana Joia discuss their album
I sing with words https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzwhkgubjgg
This podcast is produced by CatholicCulture.org. If you like the show, consider supporting us! http://catholicculture.org/donate/audio
Source: The Catholic Culture Podcast – catholicculturepodcast.libsyn.com