April 2, 2020
Timothy and David Gordon join the show to discuss their new book
Rules of Regression: 40 Tactics for Defeating the Radical Left. This is a reverse Alinskyist strategy for conservatives and Christians who are tired of being outsmarted at every turn by forces seeking to destroy the natural foundations of Christian faith and social order.
Brother Gordon should stop being fooled by leftist tactics that exploit the cowardice and false humility of today’s conservative Christians, and start turning the radicals’ own tactics against them as much as possible within the bounds of Christian morality. I want it.
[1:21] Comments on starting a dialogue
[6:11] Egalitarianism as the heart of the radical left
[9:17] What is retrograde?
[12:45] “No truth is ‘off limits'”: Don’t censor your thoughts for fear of consequences or appearance
[21:05] Recognizing the evil of sin is a prerequisite for mercy
[23:01] “Always be aggressive”: Why a defensive attitude can lead to failure. Those who defend evil should be put on the defensive.
[28:21] “lisus est vellum”: The best response to an absurd or evil claim may be laughter or rebuke, rather than dignity with an argument.
[30:38] Virtue-pleading Christians trying to curry favor with the left by throwing retrogrades under the bus. Comparison of MOD-CON and extremist mods
[33:32] Left-wing conditioning influences even staunch conservatives
[37:50] “It’s never rude to be rude” — “thick-skinned and weak-stomached.” How a hierarchy of virtues gives us a moral perspective on politics (civility is relatively low on the virtue totem pole)
[45:23] To what extent will Alinsky’s tactics be used against the left? Kenjutsu rules and purpose of fighting
[50:57] Why wasn’t prayer discussed? retrograde rules
[55:38] “For radicals, this issue is never a real issue”: Example: Promoting maternity leave is an excuse to normalize working motherhood
[59:46] Importance of order of rules
[1:01:34] “The root of cultural decline is feminism. End feminism to end radicalism.”
[1:07:00] Thomas’ follow-up comments on the importance of prayer
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