January 30, 2020
This is the week of the podcast in CatholicCulture.org. I want more people to recognize our audio products, especially the two new podcasts released last October, the Catholic Culture Audio Book and Mike Aerina.
These shows are both breaking new grounds with Catholic pod casting. So far, it has been mainly in the area of ​​talk shows, not scripted programming. It is important that Christ is there to meet them, as more and more people in the United States have adopted podcasts as the source of entertainment and education.
In this episode, Thomas invites other pod casters, voice actors James T. Majuzki (Catholic Culture Audio Book) and writer Mike Aerina (Father’s Method), and how to make a show. I will talk about how my father read and studied. Personally.
If you are the President of Mass, you will find James’s comments on how James is approaching the Saint’s work.
[2:15] Act as preparation for James’s philosophy and father’s narration
[7:00] How did Mike meander it to a career about his father?
[9:27] The first idea of ​​audiobooks and podcasts in Catholic culture
[15:33] The way Mike distillates scholarships is an enlightenment presentation that is easy to access early in church history.
[21:20] Accessibility and affordable prices to create good sound podcasts
[24:16] James process to prepare the subtle measurement value of his father at a fast pace
[33:03] They study to form the Holy Author of Mike and James
[37:38] Initial father as a Masters of St. John Henle Newman and the media
[42:40] Acquisition of father’s work and today’s relevance
[45:55] Mental effects of talking about the works of Saint
Supports pod casting efforts in CatholicCulture.org https://www.catholicCulture.org/donate/audio
Catholic Cultural Audio Book https://www.catholicCulture.org/commentary/category/audiobooks/
His father’s path https://www.catholicCulture.org/commentary/category/way-fathers/
James T. Majuzky https://www.jamestmajewski.com/
Mike Aerina https://fathersofthechurch.com/
Interview with Episode 12 Mike
https://www.catholicCulture.org/commentary/episode-12-career-in- in-in-poetry-mike-aquilina/
This podcast is the production of CatholicCulture.org. If you like the show, consider support us! http://catholicCulture.org/donate/audio
Source: The Catholic Culture Podcast – catholicculturepodcast.libsyn.com