January 23, 2020
It is the nature of clarifying ourselves, and in the area of nature, this is done in advance through beauty.
Aquinas mentions shine, clearness, and proportional as three criteria of beauty. Just as Betty clarifies the richness of the relationship between everything, the proportion is definitely most important: the parts of the object, the part that exceeds them, all the other things in the entire object, and all others The relationship with the thing, and to that manufacturer.
This is a three -part interview with a poet and a philosopher James Matthew Wilson. Soul vision。
[3:10] The permillation of rationalism and the penetration of Catholic philosophy
[10:47] Beauty as a transcendental property of existence, and “integration of all transcendants”
[18:50] Theodor Adorno on reason and beauty
[22:53] The formula of the three parties of Aquinas’s beauty (shine, clarity, proportional) reveals the old definition of beauty as a splendor of shape. Most important ratio discussions
[30:13] Pitfalls focusing on the brilliance and transparency of Maritine
[35:31] Modernism experiments to avoid the surface where the beauty is comfortable and to some extent that it is still beautiful
[40:29] Modernism as a movement of metaphysical realism in art
James Matthew Wilson: https://www.jamesmatthewwilson.com/
JMW Twitter: https://twitter.com/jmwspt
Soul vision:
https://www.amazon.com/vision-soul Goodness-western-tradition/DP/0813229286
Some artwork mentioned by James:
Deathed girl https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/dying_gault
SEAMUS HEANEY’s poem was inspired by The Dying Gaul https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/57044/the-gravale-man
Laocorn and his sons https://mymodernMet.com/laocoon-ssons-statue/
This podcast is the production of CatholicCulture.org. If you like the show, consider support us! http://catholicCulture.org/donate/audio
Source: The Catholic Culture Podcast – catholicculturepodcast.libsyn.com