January 16, 2020
The devastating rationalism that has occurred in modernity is still the air we breathe, and often not yet calculated because it is the air we breathe, regardless of our intense belief.
Taking politics as an example: The modern left wing is disillusioned with the enlightenment story of reason superiority, not recovering the reason for the appropriate place in the real vision, but instead of all claims for the truth. I will be skeptical. The lack of the foundation of the truth has reduced the shrinking reasons for EN by scholars, but has not hindered the nomination of the names. On the other hand, the establishment conservatism has little awareness and interest in what exceeds the imminent political usefulness for decades.
Nevertheless, specific art and cultural vitality is usually associated with liberalism. Recently, when a liberal has taken on the role of a farmer in censorship, it has begun to look more creative in the current challenge. However, the connection between this creativity and the controlled structure of society is a bequest of liberal “tradition”, and the increase in poverty is only the mileage that can escape from corruption and hypocritical exposure. You should warn the right people that it does not exist.
It may be surprising to know that conservatism has begun as a literary and aesthetic movement, not political movements. This is the starting point of the contemporary classic of philosophy, James Matthew Wilson Soul Vision: Truth, good, and beauty in Western traditions。 The conservatives began with criticism of Edmand Bark on the French Revolution and defended old order based on their beauty. Wilson follows them by claiming that beauty is the center of the vision of the real soul (and on the west).
This is the first of three episodes exploring the theme of the soul’s vision. In this episode, Wilson considers the six central insights in the western part after explaining the roots of liberal and conservatism, indicating liberal “freedom”, “equality”, and “critical thinking”. Layouting what is (Christian Platnist) tradition is paid to our greatest outstanding and happiness.
[1:14] Core message and theme Soul vision
[3:36] Liberalism as an anti -culture
[8:15] Liberal freedom and equality are negative and inconsistent principles.
[11:13] Self -past struggle for inequality phantom
[14:15] Modern conservative emptiness of the second Bush administration. Recovers the roots of conservatism as a literary movement
[18:53] Criticism of Edmond Bark on the rationalism of the French Revolution and utilitarianism
[24:16] Hobbes was not very interesting and wanted to make it wonderful, so modern intellectuals
[29:13] To understand the issues of rationalism and critical thinking well
[32:16] Six basic insights of Western traditions. Christian Platonism
[37:15] The oldest and deepest definition of beauty: Veritatis splendorThe wonderfulness of the truth
[41:05] The best form of human life: The ponder of existence, be realized by happiness/salvation as an endless end.
[46:44] Difference between between intelligence and
reason Related to the truth
James Matthew Wilson https://www.jamesmatthewwilson.com/
Twitter James Matthew Wilson https://twitter.com/jmwspt
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Source: The Catholic Culture Podcast – catholicculturepodcast.libsyn.com