March 18, 2022
Katie Carle, author of a wonderful new novel Like the earth without water Editor-in-Chief of Catholic Arts Journal
mottled thingsjoins the show to discuss the novel and the current state of the Catholic literary world.
According to the publisher’s explanation, Like the earth without water:
Thomas Augustine, a novitiate at Our Lady of the Pines Abbey, is not only surprised by the impact his choices have on those around him, but also by the surprise he makes himself. In particular, I find joy in the rhythm of life itself. Just before cementing his lifelong commitment to community, a traumatic encounter with an abusive priest plunges Thomas Augustine into fear and doubt. Shaken and unsure, he contacts his friend, rival, and former lover, Angel Solomon, in the hopes that he will help her tell him the difficult truth. As Angel tries to defend his friend, he must question how the wounds left by their shared past and the new harms can be healed and overcome. The extensive research that will be required next will change how both parties describe many things about humans and God, such as time and memory. Art and subjectivity. Trust and responsibility. And what does it mean to know true freedom?
mottled things
Catholic Imagination Conference 2022
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