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The Engineering of the Strandbeest: How the Magnificent Mechanical Creatures Have Technologically Evolved

Life evolves, but machines are invented. This dichotomy is largely consistent with…

How ultra-traditional tweed found a new fanbase

Getty Images(Credit: Getty Images)Once synonymous with nobility, this thoroughly British winter favorite…

Take On Elder Terrors in the Lovecraftian Arkham Horror TTRPG

Arkham Horror is a well-known name in the field of Lovecraftian horror,…

The Catholic Culture Podcast: 93 – An Introduction to Thomas Tallis

December 11, 2020All music by Thomas Tallis is used with permission from…

Masma Dream World Announces New Album, Shares New Song

Masuma Dream World, the experimental project led by Devi Mambuka, has released…

Hear the Evolution of Electronic Music: A Sonic Journey from 1929 to 2019

Electronic music lovers often have the impression that they don't listen to…