Scott Flynn’s “Love Splash”
By identifying and eliminating the difference between who you really are and who you thought you were, you experience ever-present happiness.
What is non-duality?
Non-duality is a way of being, a way of perceiving life as it actually is, not as we misunderstand it. Non-duality is a fusion of the 8,000 year old knowledge of the Eastern Vedic philosophy of Advaita Vedanta with the best of modern knowledge in quantum physics, neuroscience and psychology.
This unification of the Eastern and Western Hemispheres allows you to realign with your own underlying reality, your true essence of existence, and allows you to once again experience the great awe you have not experienced since childhood.
Advaita literally means “not two” or “one without second”. Advaita states that the Self is the only reality i.e. the Self is “one without second” and is the only abode of peace, happiness and love. Hence, by knowing yourself directly as yourself, you can experience peace, happiness and love intrinsically and permanently.
Physicists, neuroscientists, and psychologists have argued for over 100 years that what we perceive as the world and ourselves is not what we think it is or who we think we are. Many of these experts argue that matter does not exist, that consciousness does not arise from the brain, and that the self has not been discovered.
The following quotes are some of the most insightful statements by some of the most knowledgeable experts in their fields. They prove that everything we’ve been taught our whole life is a misconception.
Quantum physicist Max Planck, known as the father of quantum physics, once said, “As a man who has devoted his life to the study of that clearest science, the study of matter, I can say this much as a result of my studies of atoms: matter in itself does not exist.”
“Quantum physics tells us that matter does not have an independent entity,” Bernard Kastrup, a former engineer at CERN, the 17-mile-round Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland, said recently.
Donald Hoffman is a professor of cognitive science at the University of California, Irvine. In his 2019 book, The Case Against Reality, he writes: [the scientific community] There is no scientific theory that explains brain activity [matter]”It is not possible for human action, or computational activity, or any other kind of physical activity, to cause conscious experience, or be conscious experience, or in any way produce conscious experience. We don’t have any idea that is remotely plausible.”
Chris Niebauer is a PhD in cognitive neuropsychology. In his book, No Self, No Problem, he writes, “When we misinterpret the voice in our head and label it ‘self,’ we are at odds with neuropsychological evidence that shows there is no such thing.”
Generally, experts say that the material world, including you, has no physically separate existence and that the world as we know it is an impermanent illusion. However, you experience something very permanent…that permanence is yourself. By learning how to rest within and as yourself, you directly experience the wholeness and happiness of this inherent permanence.
Non-duality is directly experiencing the Western evidence from quantum physics, neuroscience, and psychology by applying the wisdom of the Eastern cultures, and witnessing the enduring wholeness and happiness that both Eastern and Western intelligences point to.
Non-duality reveals through data, facts, and your direct experience and innate knowledge that the way you have been taught to perceive life is a misunderstanding. This misunderstanding creates a sense of separation from the unity of the Self, which creates human suffering. Knowing the Self directly collapses this sense of separation and suffering, within which unity is experienced and peace, happiness, and love are witnessed.
The paradox is that you don’t need to learn anything new to experience your own wholeness. You don’t need to be a physicist, psychologist, cultural anthropologist or theologian to know yourself. All you need is curiosity, willingness and courage to experience what is pointed out here. In fact, all the topics discussed here must eventually be abandoned. It is by abandoning beliefs, ideologies and knowledge that true happiness and peace arise.
Non-duality is a journey into yourself, into your heart, into the wholeness of reality where unity resides, a distance-free, effortless journey. Your heart is the place you have longed to return to all your life. Non-duality is a vehicle, a way of being, that gently guides you back to the unconditional love and wholeness of your heart, into yourself…Welcome.
Overflowing with love By Scott Flynn Available at Mantra Books And wherever books are sold.
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Source: Spiritual Media Blog –