What does “ascendance” mean?
Ascension is, by definition, the path of those who consciously choose to step into a higher level of light. It’s a personal choice to step into the unknown to expand into a whole new experience.
Ascension is actively choosing to evolve into a higher consciousness.
Ascension has a level. Ascension of consciousness. The ascension of matter.
Ascension is expanding to merge with your high self, open your heart and reunite with all levels and layers of your source, the light of Christ, and your authentic self. It returns to the experience of divine light, experiencing pure source light and the highest level of unconditional love and divine alignment in every realm of life.
Ascension is not something that happens to us on a particular date or that we unconsciously stumble.
Rather, we can rise through enlarged awareness and by integrating our spiritual self’s higher vibrational consciousness.
Ascension is a process of harmony with higher consciousness and God. Rather than happening immediately or automatically, ascending order occurs gradually, as it increases the lighting at the present moment one step at a time.
Ascension is not just mental, physical or mental. The ascension process affects your whole existence and how you perceive, relate and interact with the world around you. Ascension is a complete conversion. To rise is to settle awareness at a level of divine love and enlarged consciousness.
Spirituality, Awakening, Ascension – Is there a difference?
Spirituality is adjusting to the spiritual aspects of life through practice, meditation, adjustment to deeper meaning, bringing to the existence of a spirit, or connecting with the spirit of your life.
It doesn’t matter if you’re connected to an angel, a loved one in heaven, your higher self, or God…
You are spiritually adjustable when you experience, feel, feel and communicate beyond the body.
Awakening and Ascension
Awakening is when you awaken to the truth that you actually have a sauce. The light of God. You understand that much more is going on than just the physical realm. You are awakened to the knowledge of the greater God’s plan unfolding through all reality. It also means awakening to understand that your higher vibrational truth, your greater self’s perspective, and that you are the spark of God.
You understand that much more is going on than just the physical realm (spiritual). You are awakened to the knowledge of the greater God’s plan unfolding through all reality. It also means awakening to understand that your higher vibrational truth, your greater self’s perspective, and that you are the spark of God.
Awakening and spirituality are both part of ascension. Learning to control consciousness and attention will allow you to “wake” the authentic nature of the mind, and to consciously align higher consciousness, wisdom, and every moment. The game of life is increasingly triggered to awaken from enduring fantasies and remember the truth of our multidimensional self by linking with a higher consciousness.
In addition to recognition, integration is an important part of ascension. It is essential to continue moving to higher vibrational frequencies without being drawn back to lower energy tied to fear, and to release and integrate lower vibrational aspects of the self.
You are the source and the God of God. The universe experiences reality through your eyes and through my eyes. We are awakened to the fact that we are not separate. You are another me. You are yourself… “Rackachi”
Lak’ech is a Mayan word that literally means “you are another self.” We are one. We are both source lights that see reality through our life experiences. It is awakened to regulate this level of consciousness.
This is not to say you are God. You are God’s spark. You are a God human and Ascension is back to this new template. To your true divinity.
Ascension, by definition, enhances vibrations by receiving codes for spiritual practice, meditation, awakening, light, and DNA activation.
With Ascension, you access upgrades of spiritual energy, ascend beyond the experience of duality, transcend negativity, and live and live as an awakened God being.
Complete a low level to rise
To be fully elevated to the perfect enlightenment and recognition of God in your self and everything, you need to clear old and outdated patterns, habits, beliefs and energies to create space for the inner glow and lighting of God’s light that shines through you.
By cutting the cord in the past and releasing the pain, guilt, or sadness that is oppressing you, you release yourself to wake up and rise. After that, you can shine as a unique expression of the God you are in and follow your lighting path.
Ascension had gained considerable buzz around the time of 2012. But the date has been around for a long time, and it has become more clear than ever before.
It is up to each individual to make an inner shift to wake up and rise. Then collectively we can see reality through the lens of love, and through this enlightened perspective, the “massive ascension” and the realm of love on earth can be felt and seen in perfect sense.
Thanks to the continuous waves of light and spiritual energy flowing from the divine realm to the earth, Ascension has become more and more accessible to everyone than ever. More people wake up every day and know that there is more to life than the “economics” or the physical aspects of reality. One person at a time is growing a wave of recognition all over the world.
Moreover, once hidden teachings of love, enlightenment and ascension are no longer hidden by mysterious schools, religions, and secret societies. But while the information is there and the setting is set, Ascension takes responsibility for commitment and jumping out of fear. Shifting from old patterns and habits to “bring to the light,” evolve and rise, always returns to consciousness.
How do you rise?
Climbing means injecting your consciousness with infinite possibilities that emerge through love. The ascension path is multidimensional and includes everything at every level.
Lifting to experience a new level of sacred light is one aspect of the ascension path.
Release, integrate and heal past wounds, energetic blockages, beliefs, fears, and restrictions are something else.
Recognition is essential throughout the ascension process.
If you are aware, you will be able to know what tasks you need and what next steps you will need. Patterns and beliefs embrace you in density, and release them in the moment and step into a new level of love.
The Ascension Pass is not easy, but it is easy. Your consciousness is your most valuable resource, so if you want to advance your ascension path, promise to control your attention and become more and more aware.
In the physical world, there is a constant supply of distractions that entertain and inspire our hearts at every moment. Unplug the plug. The mind is part of what we are ascending…but in order to do so, we need to be able to pause it.
Turn off the TV, put down your phone, and just breathe. You can meditate on this, learn that there is a need, raise your awareness, consciously interact with the world around you, and learn and examine real-world experiences.
It is also very important to prepare your body vehicle for a higher level of light through detoxification and to limit lower levels of emotions, beliefs and fear.
Consciousness also helps you to adapt to the ever-changing situations of life around you.
In addition to meditation, we will learn new perspectives, explore new perspectives, verify what we have learned to gain wisdom and knowledge, implement what we serve you, and move forward and grow in love at every moment…
This is the ascension pass. Increased awareness, increased awareness, and the lighting path. Master Pass of Love.
If you choose to consciously rise, a higher vibrational life awaits you. Meditate, open your heart and connect with the realm of God and Spirit, and spend your time releasing anything that is not consistent with who you are becoming.
Your awareness is important… so pay attention to what attracts your attention. Is it love? What fills your mind and body by serving you in your life and in your ascension path? Does it fuel your soul and spirit?
Not everything will rise in this lifetime. But if you were drawn to read this article… the stage is set for you! Your fully enlightened illuminated self already exists.
Now it’s just a matter of integrating your light into your being. It brings your spiritual power to the body. Open your heart, notice, shine physically here, in the perfect glow of your higher self and spiritual being.
You are one, every moment is your opportunity, and now is the time…
Namaste and Rakech,
PS Namaste said, “I bow to God in you. I respect your sacred light. I see God’s presence that you are real. My light, my divine nature reflects your light.
I see God’s existence that you are real. My light, my divinity, reflects your light.
And then lak’ech, “You are yourself.
We are both source lights, and God’s light is incarnation
We are one. ”
Are you more prepared?
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Spirituality, Awakening, Ascension – Is there a difference?

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Source: Spiritual Living Blog Archives – Ask-Angels.com – www.ask-angels.com