keep taking things one step at a time
I have a simple note for you today. It is as follows:
When you are consciously moving towards a goal…
Whether that goal will fully develop your spiritual gifts…
Or if your goal is something more specific, like getting a new job or home, paying off debt, starting a business, or losing weight…
No matter what your goals are, there will come a time in the process of making them a reality when doubts and worries are likely to arise.
This can take the form of negative self-talk, a general sense of anxiety and expecting the worst, or simply anxiety and fear about whether your efforts are actually going well. It is also possible that you are just .
If you find yourself experiencing this type of doubt, negative self-talk, or worry…
Please know that you don’t have to force yourself to agree.
Breathe, bring your awareness back to the present moment, and consciously ask your guides and angelic team to help you create the highest and most compassionate outcome for your situation.
Then shift…
What can you actually do here and now?
Have you ever been procrastinating even though you know what you need to do? Take that first step!
Not really sure what else you can do to positively impact the situation?
Then simply shift your focus to raising your vibration and bringing your energy into a place that aligns with your highest potential in life.
A great way to do this is to start taking steps to bring positive mental and physical practices into your life.
Here are 10 ideas for practical spiritual practice >>
The key here is that instead of accepting doubt, fear, and worry…
Taking small actions can bring you closer to what you actually want. This may simply be cultivating gratitude, bringing your energy back to the present, or consciously reconnecting with the power of love.
There are always steps you can take to help you achieve your goals.
And when you take it…
The next step will be displayed.
If you take it one step at a time, you can really climb mountains and traverse continents…
And you can truly create the most amazing possibilities in your life.
Remember that there is plenty of support available to you as you move through life.
Ask the angels for help. Ask for assistance in clearing the energies of doubt and uncertainty so that you can clearly see, know, and move forward into your life’s highest potential.
An incredibly high vibrational life awaits you.
You have this!
…Breathe, stay in the moment, and take the next step!
With love and blessings,
Click here to learn more about how to raise your vibration >>

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Source: Spiritual Living Blog Archives – –