Seven Steps to Set and Reveal Your Intent
Setting your intentions is the starting point for showing your dreams.
What is the intention?
The intention is when you reveal what you want to create with your life experiences and how you want to manifest in every moment.
As Deepak Chopra says, the intention is to plant the seeds of consciousness.
“Only when they release consciousness into the fertile depths of consciousness can they grow and flourish.”
However, it is here. If you want to create that experience in your life, you need to consciously set your intentions.
With that in mind, here are seven steps you can take to make your intentions clear to reality.
#1: Start by clearing energy and increasing vibration
When setting intentions, it is very important to do so from a clear, central and high vibrational state!
When you consciously spend time increasing vibrations, cleaning energy, connecting with light, and expanding your consciousness, your intentions become much greater in line with the desires of your core soul.
One of the main reasons why intentions don’t come true is when you set up an intention that doesn’t match who you really are. This happens when you set your intentions in an attempt to run from “bad” or challenge, as opposed to setting your intentions from fear, anger, or a central high vibrational state, moving towards the desires of a real soul.
The intentions that are consistent with the desires of your soul are your best and best, and that is consistent with the best and best of all.
A long walk in nature is one of the easiest and most effective ways to surround yourself with positive energy that supports you in cleaning your mind and setting your intentions.
Guided Angel Meditation is another great way to purify energy, increase vibrations, connect with the real truth, and set your intentions from this clear, connected, powerful location.
Get free angel messages to purify your energy and raise your vibrations Here If you need more help with this step!
#2: A Journal of What You Want to Live
Your ego probably has all sorts of ideas about what makes you happy… like a new car, a romantic relationship, a tropical vacation, etc…
But what really brings to life a lasting sense of fulfillment, and The level of the soul?
What was the reason why you chose to give birth as a soul anyway?
Soul-level intentions are the most powerful…but can be a little more challenging to adjust in the same way.
Journaling is a great way to bypass your conscious mind and adjust it to the core desires of your soul.
Get a journal, or a few sheets of paper, and start writing about the most important things to you in your life. This includes both the people you love, the experiences you long for, and the contributions you want to flow into the world.
Don’t undermine this stage – whatever your egomind is, it’s a fair game.
This is a brainstorming process, so write down as many ideas as possible!
Some useful questions that will help guide you:
- How do you spend your time if you only lived in one year?
- What are the happiest memories you have in your life? Why did you enjoy it so much?
- What did you like to do as a child?
- Does it seem like it brings a smile to your face every time?
- If you knew you could not fail… how would you serve humanity and the earth in the way you love?
Don’t stop writing until at least ten desires and dreams are written down.
#3: Sort your desires
Well, now you are in the “edit” stage.
Look at your list of desires/dreams and think to yourself – which of these are really important to me?
They may all be important. If so, take a little time to dig deeper to reveal which of your dreams and desires is most closely aligned with your core soul desires.
When organizing what you write down, look for themes and patterns.
For example, are you stepping into your full light so that you can grow spiritually and create your gifts and provide themes?
Or maybe you want to show up more fully in the present moment.
For your next step, try reaching three core desires and dreams.
#4: Dig deep into your reasons
This is a deep dive soul search!
In each of the remaining three dreams, you use the “why” exercise to find out what your true best intentions are of these three.
Here’s how to do it:
- One of your intentions is to raise your vibrations and open up your spiritual gifts and spiritual abilities. Ask yourself, “Why do I want to open my psychic gift?”
- Listen carefully to your inner guidance for answers. You may need to meditate on this, think about it, and dive in really deep and get to the core. Keep in mind that ego may cloud things. So don’t forget there is a “just reason” and a “real reason” behind why you want things.
- Find out the answer. Let’s say you think, “Well, I want to open up mentally because I was able to see the truth beyond the veil.” So… why do you want to see the truth beyond the veil?
- If you want to raise your vibrations and open up your spiritual gifts and spiritual abilities, if you want to support your family, so that you can release a restrictive pattern that makes your whole family seem stuck, you can serve humanity more peacefully and lovingly, these are the reasons why you are more likely to sound the truth at the soul level.
- Remember, your soul dreams are big! You are here to step into greatness… so don’t limit yourself to your dreams and desires on the level of your soul.
There is another example:
- Let’s say one of your intentions is to have a million dollars in your bank account. Ask yourself, “Why do you want to have a million dollars in your bank account?”
- Dive deeper and get to the heart of why you really want to start a greater financial abundance.
- Let’s ask yourself why you want to have the million dollars you think “Well, I’ve always been poor so I want to have a million dollars. Having money makes me feel better.”
- There’s nothing wrong with wanting to get dressed properly, drive a nice car or take a vacation. But you don’t need $1 million on your account to feel wealthy.
- Conversely, if you want to help the earth, help others, support your grandchildren, and heal the restrictive beliefs surrounding a consciousness of prosperity, you can help others open up more abundance… these are the reasons why it is much more likely to come from the level of the soul.
This is a very important part of the entire process, so don’t skip it as the strength of the “why” determines the strength of your intentions.
If your intentions have a “why” based on the best and best of all, it comes from deep, excites you, and perhaps even makes you a little nervous about how vast it is…
You’re on the right track!
#5: Set the intent
Now you’re in the action phase!
Once your intention is selected, write it down along with your reasons for wanting to clarify this intention.
Make sure you write out your intentions in a positive tone.
You can also write a message to your angels by requesting help in achieving your intentions.
There is no right or wrong way to do this. it’s up to you!
#6: Set up an action plan to achieve your intentions
Setting intentions will not work unless you take action to make them happen!
For example, I was meant to support me financially, to serve humanity in order to transition lower levels of fear, illusion, and ego, to a higher level of peace, awakening, love, light, and truth.
Along this building and growing journey, along with growth, I have called the Angels many times over the past few years.
But at the same time, I was constantly writing blog posts and taking action on a massive scale in line with achieving my intentions in the form of social media updates, channeling messages, creating videos, and sharing emails…

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I knew that angels would help me show my intentions, but I also knew I had to do my part in the creative process.
So, what is your plan of action to make your intentions come true?
What does large-scale action in the direction of your dreams and goals look to you?
Please be really specific here and think about it Use deadlines!
#7: Angel, Continue to ask for help from the universe
Every morning, I rewrite it and say your intentions out loud. Continue taking action to make your dreams a reality and continue to ask the angels for help.
The longer you last, the more likely your intentions will manifest!
What happens if the intent of the configuration is not working for you?
Have you tried to set your intentions before?
Well, you may not follow the spiritual laws of the universe and do not respect the “secrets” to express your intentions.
What is the secret?
It’s vibration!
When you concentrate your strength and light on what you are capable of, rather than what you are scared or lacking, you become enveloped in a vibrating alignment with your dreams and desires.
This will make your dreams and desires more likely to occur!
Fear is the blocking point for your intentions to come true. Love and light are accelerators!
Therefore, increase the vibration and increase consciousness in front The intention is very powerful.
Release your fear, open your heart, raise your vibrations, and align with God, Light, and your Higher Self.
From this open, present, expanded state of consciousness, your intentions are much more powerful, as they come from a place of existence, love, and light, not from absent.
Your intentions will manifest when your intentions coincide with your highest truth and you act in cooperation with this higher vibrational truth.
With the power of love, you can create blessings in your life faster than you can imagine, and the timing is perfect for this for now.
After all, the beautiful thing about intentions is that you have nothing to lose…
And you’ll probably get an incredible sense of growth and fulfillment.
So give it a try!
With love and gratitude,

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Source: Spiritual Living Blog Archives – –