Q&A with Rosalia Quintana, author of “ “
1. Part of your mission is to work with people to transform and Transforming trauma, addiction, suffering, and perceived limitations to the root cause. How did that become part of your mission? What kind of work do you do to help people with these issues?
Once they feel ready to explore it, I open the Akashic Records with their permission, seek further guidance and information, and tap into their own somatic awareness. The client himself enters a deep meditation where he can receive further information and instructions. It doesn’t come from me, it comes directly from them. I am simply there to guide, support and facilitate this process. This became part of my mission through a dream and guidance from my guides to provide this type of support.
2. Can you tell me about the rock bottom moment that led you to pursue your purpose?
In 2018, I was the Dark Knight of the Soul. I was extremely depressed and suicidal and began searching for holistic wellness, alternative medicine, breathing techniques, meditation, somatics, energy work, and plant medicine to help me during such times. From there the inner work began and I began to receive more and more guidance from within and now share it with others.
3. Please tell us about your book Becoming Your Own Quantum Alchemist Master. What is it about and why did you write it?
It is about going within yourself by any means that resonates with you, whether it be mediation, prayer, breathing exercises, or creativity, and by the path that leads you within yourself to establish a heart-to-heart connection. To empower you to become an alchemist.
4. What happened during your near-death experience? And how did it affect you?
I saw myself in the black void and was able to face the various fears and emotions within me. It wasn’t until I started asking God to help me get out of this place that I encountered the image of God that taught me reflections on my life, other lives I had experienced, and various lessons for those lives. He gave it to me. I could see that I chose my parents and place of birth before incarnating, and from my paternal family we all sit together in a circle and choose different lessons to teach each other.
After returning home, I felt reborn, more grateful, more loving, and more patient. I feel that being alive is a miracle to be cherished and respected, and an opportunity to love and do good to the world.
5. How do you respond to people who are skeptical about near-death experiences?
We can say that these experiences are for each of us who have had the necessary experiences for our path and mission. Near-death experiences have a special purpose for us, and I don’t think anyone who has had a near-death experience has a job of trying to convince others of something. We are sharing our truth and our journey and if it can help someone in any way, that’s great. If that’s not for you, there’s plenty of other content you can spend your attention and energy on. Ultimately, I want us to remember how to return to our hearts, return to our love, and share it with each other without judgment.
6. Is there anything else?
Move all your senses into your heart!
Thank you very much for this opportunity!
Source: Spiritual Media Blog – www.spiritualmediablog.com