Support yourself with high vibrational food
Raising your vibration is a key and important aspect of ascension…and truly, maintaining a high vibration is essential to staying healthy, happy, vibrant and vibrant.
But I want to make it clear here…
The “how-to process” for raising your vibration, expanding your consciousness, and connecting with higher realms of spirit is incredibly multifaceted.
And because we live in a vibrational universe where everything is connected…which means that what you do, say, think, believe, and even eat can affect your overall consciousness, sense of well-being, and vitality. It affects the state of.
You may have heard the saying, “You are what you eat,” but you are also what you think, say, believe, and do.
What you put into your body directly affects your vibration.
In this article, I want to focus on the dietary side of the equation. Because what you eat and what you put into your body plays an important role in the vibrational levels you can reach.
In other words, you can help raise your own vibration by eating high-vibration foods.
They can also cloud your mind, body, and spirit with toxins and low-vibrational foods, hindering your progress, causing problems in your physical body, and increasing your resistance.
Eating high vibrational foods is not enough! While I eat completely clean and adhere to a strict raw organic vegan diet, I am also working on getting rid of limiting beliefs, retraining my subconscious mind, quieting the negative voices in my mind, and focusing on lower levels. If you have not worked on getting rid of your fears and suspect that you are probably still stuck on your spiritual path.
High vibrational eating is most effective in your life when it is in harmony with your inner workings, your state of love consistency, and when combined with healing on the levels of body, mind, and spirit.
But now is the perfect time to change what you put into your body and start consciously choosing higher vibrational foods that nourish you and benefit the planet.
high vibration diet
Consider for a moment that we focus on the vibrational frequency of food rather than its color, texture, price, flavor, or nutritional value.
High vibrational foods are foods that have a higher level of light than density.
High vibrational foods are those that nourish your body, aid in detoxification, increase your light quotient (the level of light you can carry), and raise your vibrational frequency. The highest vibrational foods are nutrient-dense, raw, living fruits and vegetables.

high vibration food
As a general rule, the highest vibrational foods are raw, organic, local, and real foods, including:
organic fruits and vegetables
dark leafy vegetables
Fresh herbs such as coriander, basil, mint, tarragon, chives, and dill.
Bean sprouts! Alfalfa, mung beans, sunflower seeds, broccoli sprouts, etc.
Wild berries! Blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, etc.
Freshly squeezed green juice
Fresh pressed fruit juice *No added sugar
Raw cacao *No added sugar
Medicinal mushrooms such as chaga and reishi
Spirulina, Chlorella, Blue Green Algae
spring water
Probiotics (naturally fermented sauerkraut, pickles, kombucha)
Soaked and sprouted raw nuts, seeds, legumes, and ancient grains such as millet and buckwheat
Cold-pressed organic oils such as coconut, flax, avocado, sesame, and olive
apple cider vinegar
Sustainably caught wild fish such as Alaskan salmon
*Please research carefully. Many types of fish are high in heavy metals or are caught using highly unsustainable methods.
crystal water

Low vibration foods to avoid
Refined sugar, white sugar, and other processed sugars
canola oil
artificial sweetener
white flour or wheat flour
large amounts of meat and animal products
Products based on cheese and milk
Fried foods/processed foods
Corn-based products and GMO corn
Excess caffeine (try coffee alternatives like Teeccino or Chaga Tea)
GMO and chemically processed ingredients
Water treated with chlorine and fluoride
food that changes your life
What’s interesting about this change is that as your body detoxes the toxins found in lower vibrational foods, it actually begins to crave, enjoy, and crave higher vibrational fruits and vegetables to support and sustain your body. It is to become.
When this happens, your mood is positively boosted by the food, but it’s real and lasting, not a gratification now that you’ll pay for later.
To learn more about food as medicine and its miraculous power to promote healing, visit… food that changes your lifeor medical medium.
Anthony William, author of these two books (and others), clearly states: “Unleash the hidden power of fruits and vegetables and transform your life in the process.”
Love what you eat!
I want to make one thing clear here. This article is not intended to make you feel guilty about the way you are eating now…rather, the point is to change your consciousness so that you can take control of your body and your spiritual and ascension journey. It’s about empowering them to make the healthiest choices to support them.
Your thoughts are incredibly powerful…thoughts are also vibrational in nature!
The trap here is that you read this article and find out that some of the things you are eating are of low vibration, and then you continue to eat them while criticizing yourself or feeling guilty.
If you want to keep eating ice cream (yes, sorry, all of you who have a low vibration to your core)…just do it without guilt or judgment. Celebrating ice cream, loving ice cream, and eating it with gratitude will offset, if not completely balance, the lower vibrations.
Then, consider higher vibrational alternatives like coconut milk ice cream, or try making a vegan “nice cream” that’s easy to mix in with frozen bananas the next time you’re craving ice cream. Let’s.
Feeling guilty or blaming yourself but eating anyway will only make the negative effects worse.
So, love what you eat, consciously put love into your food while cooking, bless your food and raise your vibration…and be aware of how you feel when you eat certain things. Take note and start taking steps to clean up your diet. Move toward more vegetables, whole foods, and healthy high vibe options.
Learn more about how to bless your food with light and raise your vibration.
Additional resources for the high vibrational diet
There is so much that goes into practicing a healthy, high vibrational diet. Here are some more resources.
Medical Media – Life-Changing Foods – Anthony William’s book
How to raise your vibration of consciousness through food – Article by Brigitte Nielsen
1 week raw vegan meal plan – Online guide from One Green Planet
Raise your vibration with essential oils – Article by Melanie Beckler
Crystalline Water to Raise Your Vibrations – Article by Melanie Beckler
The key here is to raise your awareness and take the first step.
In my personal journey, I grew up eating meat, cheese, sugar, and all kinds of processed foods…One step at a time, I cut out the lower vibrational stuff and tried to find nutritious, delicious, and vibrational foods. I started replacing it with expensive foods.
For me, I think it’s about taking steps, trying to eat more raw, organic, high-vibe foods when possible, and really loving and appreciating what you’re putting into your body.
I hope this helps!
With love and gratitude,

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