Bring a great love and the existence of God in your life with the consistency of your heart
The consistency of the heart is when the brain waves and the waves of the heart synchronize and move together in an organized way. When it is consistent, not only the heart and the heart are aligned, but the cardiovascular system, immune system, hormone, and nervous system all cooperate in harmony and efficient ways.
There is a scientific evidence that the power of love creates healing in our body and the world. Science has proved that you work better when your heart is cooperating with love, heart, immune system, and whole body.
You can learn more Consistency from Heartmass here!

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How can I be consistent in my heart?
Fortunately, it’s really easy to make yourself consistent.
The important way is, of course, meditation. The beautiful thing about the angel’s meditation is that they guide you to your heart and focus on the consistent state where many magic matches. Through those meditation, you can match infinite possibilities, your trusted ITY, and higher levels of light.
Whether meditation was a struggle for you, if you’re not syncing, or if you’re really busy and don’t spare for 5 minutes or 10 minutes (we’ve been there, our lives are busy) , You can still move consistently.
I’m consistent now
Now, transfer your consciousness from your heart to your heart. It may help you put your hands on your heart and close your eyes. Feel your heartbeat and imagine that the light is shining around your heart. See the bright golden light.
Now, take a deep breath for about 6 seconds and breathe in your heart. Let your heart brightly shine. Take breath and exhale. Imagine your heart shines even more vividly when you are breathing, when you draw light in your heart and breathe.
When you keep this visualization of breathing in your heart, adjust to the place you love. Choose what you absolutely love, as you feel so good. Imagine that you are living love to where you love when you keep your love in your heart. As a result, it becomes consistent.
Keep breathing in your heart, and now, follow the loved ones. Send love to them and stop by that consistency. Imagine that your heart shines with light and you are loving, light, and gratitude in all areas of your life. Combine your body and all physical systems with love and the light of God. For coherence.
When you react with love, when you return to love, when you shine with love, you are doing such a powerful job. You are not only consistent with yourself, but also waving it to create a difference that accompanies it. So, breathe light in your heart and send love according to your heart.
According to the state of love, it will return to the consistency of the mind and bring a strong difference in changing the current state and your whole life into this paradigm. Love, heart energy, and all of us are consistent with the light carried in our hearts.
Are you ready?
Heart breathing is another wonderful way to return to consistent state.
Mother Mary can help you match the healing power of your heart.
Alternatively, listen to meditation that wakes up a powerful heart here.
With love, light, gratitude,
Source: Spiritual Living Blog Archives – –