Conscious Channeling vs. Intuitive Channeling vs. Trance Channeling
Channeling is channeling, right? Well, actually… no. Types of channelingand even one type, like conscious channeling, can take many forms.
So today I would like to clear up some confusion by sharing the three main types of channeling. This will also help you know if you are starting to channel without realizing it.
Also check out my post about channeling in practice.
Confusion about what channeling is
So there’s a little bit of confusion about what channeling is and how it works because there are actually different types of channeling.
So you might often hear someone say, “Oh, I channeled that book.” And yet… This book is written in their own voices, sharing personal stories from their lives.
Or maybe you hear someone say, “I channel YouTube videos.” Despite this, they do not share who or what they are actually channeling.
Here’s the thing… It’s not that these people are dishonest or even carelessly misleading.
Rather, there are many different types of channeling.
So let’s clear up the confusion!
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3 types of channeling
1. Intuitive channeling
First of all, there is intuitive channeling. This is also called perspective channeling.
This is where you are present in the present moment as a channel, conscious but receiving guidance from Spirit through thought forms.
Thought forms, messages, and divine guidance flow through you whether you are conscious of it or not.
When I first started channeling, I noticed that when I was talking to people, in certain situations I would just start pouring out guidance and messages without any meaning or conscious effort.
Suddenly I found myself sharing messages of love and guidance with them…and I didn’t really know where they came from.
This happens because you always have guides and angels around you and sometimes their guidance gets mixed into your own thoughts and stream of consciousness.
So, without really knowing what you’re doing, guidance begins to flow through the words you’re speaking.
Intuitive channeling is very common and is something that many people are open to without realizing it.
2. Conscious Channeling
This leads to the second type of channeling, which I call conscious channeling. It can also be called light trance channeling.
This is how I channel the Archangels, Council of Light, and my guides and angels.
I intentionally go within and consciously call upon my highest Christ light guide or team of angels to guide me.
Next, consciously focus on your heart, third eye, and crown of your head, allowing your awareness to become very present, open, relaxed, and very receptive.
As a conscious channel, my consciousness is fully present in observer mode, observing the situation and through that observation observing when guides and angels come in and listening to the frequencies and guidance of higher spiritual beings. can receive and transmit it. As I speak that guidance one word at a time, I simultaneously transmit the frequency through my heart, hands, and central pillar of light, the Ascension Pillar.
Very conscious channeling, light trance channeling is where you become fully conscious. Still, choose to take an observer’s perspective as you connect with your higher level guides and angels and allow their guidance to flow.
trance channeling
The third type of channeling is trance channeling. This is when the channel actually exits the body and enters the realm of light and, hopefully, a safe space. But in any case, the channels actually consciously leave their bodies and higher dimensional guides, higher guides, entities step into their lifestream, depending on who and what they are channeling. Step in, essentially take over your body’s functions, and then channel through.
Trance channeling is the method of channeling that Jane Roberts used to channel Seth. Abraham also channels in this way, as does Bashar.
So that’s trance channeling, where the channel actually goes outside of the body and Spirit steps in to speak directly to you.
A quick summary of the three types of channeling
To briefly summarize, intuitive channeling is when you, the channeler, receive guidance and messages from Spirit without being fully conscious and speak the messages mixed into your normal stream of consciousness.
Conscious channeling is when you are fully consciously present, standing aside and observing, allowing clear messages from Spirit to flow through you.
And trance-channeling is when the channel leaves your body completely and a spirit guide or higher dimensional being essentially takes over and uses your body to speak messages directly to you.
Clarity while channeling
Now, when it comes to channeling, clarity is key. And when it comes to clarity, it actually depends on the individual channeler, not the type of channeling, that determines how clear the message will be.
All types of channeling are subject to misunderstanding, distortion, and interference. Again, this is why clarity…but also discernment is so important.
to be “Clear Channel” This means there is less ego mind in the channel, less distortion of the message, and a clearer, more direct message.
Although trance channeling may seem more obvious than intuitive channeling, this is not always the case.
So sometimes people go into a trance state and speak words from their guides and beings with boldness and authority, but the message is laced with much of their own ego. (Yes, it is possible to quickly enter and exit a trance state).
On the other hand, those who unconsciously channel their intuition may actually be conveying a clear message.
So this is one of the most confusing things about channeling and why discernment is so important when listening to channeled material, and in fact why discernment is so important on the spiritual path in general. The question is, is there one?
It is important to discern on multiple levels in all things spiritual and earthly.
Guidance for you? Is it helpful? Does it ring true to you? Feeling uplifted? Is that something you want to hear and integrate, or is it not?
It also requires more discernment. It’s about what type of beings are we talking about.
Or what kinds of beings and entities influence different teachers?
Are they the middle guides of Christ, the Most High in the Light? Or are you overly spiritual or overly materialistic?
Learn more about the three types of spiritual beings here.
So, of course, how much of the channeler’s or spiritual teacher’s ego mind permeates the message, regardless of the method of channeling?
Discernment is key.
Learn more about developing spiritual discernment.
Well, I hope this article has helped clear up some confusion about the three types of channeling.
Also, if you want to learn how to consciously channel (like I channel), check out my channeling learning course.
This is an incredibly powerful course by a teacher from whom I learned to channel many years ago, so I highly recommend it.
[/quote] Click here to learn the channel >> [/quote]
Finally…remember that you are being guided and supported in every moment, even if you are not channeling it consciously or unconsciously.
By being aware, opening your heart, and clearing your mind, you will become increasingly aware of guidance from Spirit, your Higher Self, your guides, your angels, your Ascended Masters, and your ever-loving team. . Support and help your life.
As always, I love and appreciate you.
With gratitude and bright blessings,
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Source: Spiritual Living Blog Archives – –