The power of perspective change
One of my favorite quotes came to mind this morning and I wanted to share it with you and reflect on it…
here it is:
“If you change the way you look at things, what you see will change.” – Max Planck
Have you heard of it? Today, let’s think about it this way.
Let’s change the way we see things!
Changing the way you see and think about things can dramatically change what you experience and how you experience life.
What perspectives need some updating?
Do you have the most positive outlook on everything in your life?
Do you view your life in a way that makes you feel grateful, happy, and blessed?
See how there is a golden edge and a silver lining to every situation?
Or do you find yourself starting to see things negatively without really knowing why?
Are you looking for a reason to express gratitude for all of the many blessings in your life?
Or are you stuck in old energies like complaining and criticizing that only lower your vibration?
for example:
Do you hate paying your bills?
So what if we consciously choose to change this?
What if we changed our current view of paying our bills and started using them as an opportunity to express our gratitude for all the services we have access to, such as electricity, water, telephone, internet, etc…
Rather than getting frustrated or lowering your vibration by dwelling on the negative aspects of paying your bills, cultivating an attitude of gratitude can create truly powerful change.
Do you go to work to death?
What if we changed the way we view work from “something that has to be done”?
Opportunities require you to earn income as a physical and practical opportunity to serve, practice presence, and practice spiritual growth.
Maybe you’ve been procrastinating on a project?
What if we changed our perspective on manufacturing from “what we should do” and “what we must do”?
Something that circulates energy through your being, supports your awakening, and actually brings new insights and opportunities for growth.
change the way you see the world
I wrote this a few days ago, enthusiasm…
And this is really important!
Reclaim your inner light and enthusiasm…
And begin to view your life through the lens of love and from the perspective of the infinite wisdom of God.
When you choose to see your life in a way that makes you happy…
And respond to everything in life with enthusiasm and divine light…
Not only will you be much happier…
But as a result, there are ways things can play out in a positive way.
So what can positively change your perspective today?
When you start looking for signs of hope and blessings…more has a way of starting to appear.
With love, blessings, and rose-colored glasses,

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Source: Spiritual Living Blog Archives – –