Should you pray to the angels or are you wrong?
This is the question I always ask. The answer depends on your definition of prayer.
The word prayer has several different meanings.
First: “A strict request for help and expression of things addressed to God or to the object of worship.” According to this definition, no, you should not pray to an angel.
We never worship angels. Angels don’t want to be worshiped.
However, check out this second prayer definition. “Serious hope or wish.”
In this sense, prayers to angels are absolutely recommended. In fact, in line with the help of the angels, you must seek their help.
What is my definition of prayer?
This is my definition of prayer. “Please ask for help.”
When we ask angels for help, we don’t embrace them as better than anyone else.
Prayer is open communication.
I think that meditation is listening to guidance from God and angels, and that prayer is speaking.
If you want to have an angel-like intervention in your life, or if you want to help with support, guidance, and shifting vibration frequency, you must ask for help. Angels respect your free will, your life lessons, your ability to go in the wrong direction and learn through your experiences. That’s why you’re here. But be happy, ready and understand that they are more than helpful.
This is why you ask the angels for help. To grant them permission to support our lives. And yes, it is God’s will, God, the universe, whatever you want to call it, so that angels help us according to our free will.

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Angel’s prayer is simply talking to an angel
In the prayers and calls I gave, I am simply talking to the angels.
I’m communicating. Request their help and guidance. No worship services are being held. Angels do not consider us to be better than us. In fact, we are all one. We are all God’s unique symptoms. Angels can help humanity raise our vibrations, connect, and more perfectly match our sole purpose.
It is not only recommended, but encouraged. Talk to them with respect, gratitude, and love. And whenever you ask your angel for help, it will be very supportive. It also raises vibrations, opens the mind, broadens consciousness, and raises light.
Lift up, open your heart, ask from this place, letting your message pass, then receiving guidance, love, frequency, wisdom, blessings and more will have much greater results.
Guided Angel Prayer
Here is the angel prayer you created to see, read, hear, and make your own…
Guardian Angel’s Prayer
Archangel Michael’s prayer
Archangel Raphael’s prayer
Archangel Gabriel’s prayer
Archangel Zadkiel’s prayer
Prayer for the purification of the house
Holiday prayer
Listen to these prayers on YouTube here!
What does it mean to have your prayers not answered?
I want to reassure you that your angels are always here when you ask for the assistance of angels. You are listening. But as a physical being, understand that much more is going on than you or me.
The first factor you may not consider is God’s timing! Often, when we feel that our prayers are not answered, it is because there is a huge gap and difference when we want to see the outcome and when we follow God’s timing.
Also, be aware that in addition to your conscious desire as a physical being, there is a great soul plan in your life. You came to Earth on a specific mission as a soul, with the lessons you learn, the challenges you experience, and the soul’s contract for the services you give.
When the angels seem to not answer your prayers, when you are really trying to reveal something and it’s not happening, most of the time the main reason is that you are trying to show up , What you are about to appear, What you are about to appear, What you are about to appear, guiding you to accomplish the mission of your soul.
Understand that while you can directly connect with your angels as a physical being, your soul is connected to your angels, God, and at every moment with the entire universe. What you consciously desire as a physical being can be invalidated by what is most useful to you.
If you are praying for help or trying to reveal something and it doesn’t seem to happen, take a step back, clean your mind and connect with the light of your higher self “How can I serve? My growth, my path, my ascension journey, what will be useful to me now in my life? Let me guide you. please.”
This is a powerful place to surrender to God’s will. Recognize that there is God’s will in your life, and that perhaps the universe has planned for you is much greater than what you are consciously trying to manifest. When you feel that your prayer is not answered, or when you feel that your prayer is answered as if you surrendered, on the opposite of what you wanted.
Understand that there is far more going on than you can understand and realize if you are frustrated. Rate to evaluate and see if there are any anger or feelings that appear or are unloved. We realize that it is a blessing of its own, and we realize that it is a blessing in itself. The glass ceiling of your growth is your emotions. If you have a lot of density, negativity and emotions, this can block you from the perfect, vibrant connection with the source, the angel, and your higher self.
Accompany that rage, realize that there are deeper roots. Note that your current situation may be in small parts to emphasize that anger, pain, or unloved feeling. This can reveal a sense of internal discord that still exists within you.
Instead of placing the band-aid on it, you deal with the route and dive deeper. Ask yourself, “Why am I feeling so hurt and betrayed by this now? What is my higher self really trying to learn here?” I feel emotions. Feeling pain, it emits it into the angel and into the light. Let go.
Let go and reconnect with the energy and vibrations of love. It exists at this moment. Ask your angel:
“What is my next step? What can be useful in growing, ascending, and serving everyone? Please guide me. Please guide me. My soul’s mission and purpose Help me to achieve. Help me step into the best vibrational life. Help me to know what really serves me. It will help me to align this I’m Physically. Help me merge the gap between my conscious physical self and the light of my higher soul. ”
Bring your high self into the present moment so that you can focus your manifestation according to the mission of your soul in a way that serves all beings. Rather than judging yourself or your angels, take a step back and say, “Is this for my greatest interest? Neutral? Is it important too? What will help?” and love i will be back.
Keep asking for help and keep the vibrations up. It will be a vibration match with your best soul light. It’s a vibration match with your angels, and at this point, angel-like guidance, love and wisdom make it easier to access you.
You are always loved, guided and supported by angels.
With love, light, and gratitude,

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Source: Spiritual Living Blog Archives – –