It can also cause many short-term problems. If you’ve been exposed to wildfire smoke and noticed your skin becoming irritated shortly afterward, the smoke could be the culprit.
As a dermatologist based in West Hollywood Jason Emmer “In the short term, smoke can clog pores with soot and ash particles.” [which can lead] It is effective against acne outbreaks, age spots, blackheads, and increased oil production. ”
There’s more bad news. If you have sensitive skin or issues like rosacea, you’re even more likely to notice a reaction. “Existing skin conditions are likely to be exacerbated by additional irritation and inflammation,” says Jennifer McGregor, a dermatologist at Union Square Laser Dermatology in New York.
flora kimA Dallas dermatologist agrees, saying that exposure “may worsen dryness and other skin conditions such as eczema and atopic dermatitis.” [and] psoriasis. “
What’s different about the recent Los Angeles fires?
California is no stranger to wildfires, but the intensity and impact of the 2025 wildfires were unprecedented. Theo Soleimania dermatologist in Pasadena, Calif., echoes all of the above opinions of other dermatologists, but added that repeated exposure is something Los Angeles people need to keep in mind right now. .
“[Wildfire smoke] Repeated exposure over a long period of time not only increases the risk of eczema, such as eczema and inflammatory rashes, but also increases the risk of premature and accelerated aging, skin cancer, and even some lymphomas of the skin.” says Dr. Soleimani.
As the environment changes and people live in areas with higher fire risk, Dr. Soleimani suspects that the impact will only grow larger as the years go by, but it is currently difficult to determine exactly what the impact will be. It’s hard to say.
protect your skin from smoke
Experts agree that the best way to protect your skin from wildfire smoke is to stay indoors as much as possible. And while you’re stuck indoors, Dr. Chan suggests using an air purifier to combat smoke entering your home.
And what if you have to go outdoors? Both Dr. Chan and Dr. McGregor warn people to cover up as much skin as possible, including by wearing long sleeves and masks (which you should get used to wearing anyway).
In addition to covering up, it’s more important than ever to rely on sunscreen. Just because you can’t see the sun’s rays through the smoke doesn’t mean you’re safe from the sun’s rays.
Dr. Kim explains the importance of using sunscreen to combat smoke pollution: Studies show synergistic effectsWhen air pollution is combined with sunlight, especially UVA rays, the damage is amplified. ”
Source: Allure –