As we enter the holiday season, it’s important not to completely forget about your health. Luckily, there are several healthy party drink options that not only contribute to a fun night out, but also support overall health and promote good skin. Here are some alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverage options you can enjoy this Christmas.
Healthy party drinks for the holidays
Healthier alcoholic beverage options
Not ready to forget about alcohol completely this party season? When it comes to alcoholic drinks, choosing low-sugar drinks with skin-friendly natural ingredients can make a difference. The best approach to a healthy party requires moderation and careful choices. Here are some healthy alcoholic beverage options to consider.
red wine
Red wine contains antioxidants, resveratrol etc.may have anti-aging effects on the skin. Of course, it’s important to consume red wine in moderation to reap its potential benefits. Consider ditching mulled wine, which can be loaded with sugar, and drinking a glass or two of your favorite red wine instead.
Vodka mixed with soda or fresh juice
Mixing vodka with freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juices creates a refreshing and relatively healthy cocktail option. Fresh juices are rich in vitamins and minerals, which contribute to your overall health and benefit your skin. Freshly squeezed orange juice is good for your skin as it is rich in vitamin C, but it is very high in sugar so limit your intake. Bloody Marys are also a great option, loaded with vegetables and much healthier than sweet, sugary cocktails.
If you want something light and sparkly this party season, opt for a glass or two of champagne. This is one of the lower carb options and one of the tastiest. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water to take care of your skin.
Now you know the best alcoholic beverage options. Check out my guide to the worst alcoholic drinks.
Non-alcoholic part drink option
Just because it’s party season doesn’t mean you have to be hungover. If you’re cutting back on alcohol this party season, but still need some fun on the go, try these party-perfect drinks.
sparkling water infusion
Mix sparkling water with your favorite skin-revitalizing fruits and vegetables for a mixed punch. Choose cucumber and mint for an electrolyte boost, or try fresh berries for something fruity.
CBD drink
Growing in popularity as an alternative to alcohol, CBD drinks are perfect for parties thanks to their relaxing effects and great taste. travel drinks It is popular among fashionable people who miss alcohol.
Remember to enjoy everything in moderation. So, don’t beat yourself up if you make unhealthy choices this holiday season, try making healthy choices too. If you’re looking for healthy festive recipes, check out my skin-friendly meal options at Eat Beautiful.
We hope all our readers have the happiest festive period! Cheers!
Read next: non-alcoholic drinks | How to avoid a hangover
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